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The value of your service is in how it closes a gap

When we understand that products and services are mere vehicles to solve problems / meet needs / alleviate pain points for the purpose of helping our customers look, live and feel better, our marketing messages can make a stronger emotional connection with target markets.

Rather than focusing on features and benefits in your marketing materials, focus on how your product/service closes a ‘gap’. A gap is the distance between a person’s current problem state and their desired future problem-free state in which their life would be better in some way.

People looking for a product/service usually know what they want (in terms of outcome) but may not know exactly what they need (in terms of a solution). For instance, I may know that I want to be more financially savvy but I may not know whether I need an accountant, a bookkeeper, a financial coach or a financial advisor.

Using language in your marketing materials that makes clear the unique value you bring in building a bridge that traverses the client’s gap, can help someone determine if your product/service is exactly what they need. And by so doing, you will elevate the perceived value of your solution and more likely attract prospective clients who are a perfect match.

When thinking about the gap you close, consider it from the perspective of the client’s desired outcome – their big ‘why’. For instance, do they want more time, visibility, wealth, confidence, influence, connection, trust or leads?

As an example, through my strategic communications practice, I close the ‘customer connection’ gap by transforming my client’s communications from dull and detached to energized and engaging. This helps their marketing messages cut through and resonate more deeply with those whom they wish to attract.

What’s the gap you close? Here are some examples to spark your thinking:

  • brand visibility gap
  • business mindset gap
  • prosperity gap
  • confidence gap
  • trust gap
  • theory-practice gap
  • resilience gap
  • communication gap
  • Learning gap
  • Influence gap
  • Leadership gap
  • Innovation gap
  • Engagement gap
  • Culture gap
  • Lead generation gap

When you communicate the value of you deliver in terms of the gap you close, you will connect with your target market in a most powerful way.

©Ros Weadman 2022 

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