48-HOUR MARKETING PLAN for Small Business Owners

Develop a strategic marketing plan for your small business in two days.

Stand out from competitors, attract higher quality leads and optimise your return on investment with a plan you can implement with confidence.

Feel like you’re winging it?

Small business owners wear multiple hats and juggle many balls in the air at the same time. When it comes to marketing your products and services, you want to make sure that your time, money and effort are yielding results.

Our BRANDcode® Marketing Method for Lead Generation takes out the guesswork by helping small businesses get off the “hit-and-miss marketing merry-go-round” forever.

In this two-day, hands-on workshop, you’ll be guided to develop a marketing plan for your small business you can implement with confidence.

Image by Jeshoots-com on Unsplash

“Ros’s marketing masterclass provided me with so much clarity around my USP and the best way to position myself in my industry. The small group interaction provided a fantastic environment to bounce ideas and create strategies to take forward. I am now feeling so excited and motivated to take my new learnings forward in my business.”

Danielle Pooles – Owner, Dressage Plus

Key takeaways from the workshop

  • Clarity

    Clarity of your brand pillars, marketing messages, target audiences and pathway to market.

  • Confidence

    A simple plan with a step-by-step action plan you can implement with confidence.

  • Consistency

    Knowing how to make your brand message consistent across marketing channels and touch points.

  • Positioning

    Knowing how to position your brand in the market place so you stand out from competitors.

  • Visibility

    Knowing how to build your public profile on social media and using publicity.

  • Templates

    Templates for creating marketing collateral and social media content designed to attract your ideal client.

Workshop at a glance

We cover seven steps in 48 hours to design your very own small business marketing plan.

What we’ll cover in the seven steps

Establish your brand pillars (purpose, vision, mission and values) and set marketing goals and objectives.

What some previous workshop participants have said

  • Ros’s signature approach made us all think laterally and deeply, identifying missed marketing opportunities, and clearly defined novel approaches to take advantage of those avenues. I’d recommend this workshop to every… Read More

    Ros’s signature approach made us all think laterally and deeply, identifying missed marketing opportunities, and clearly defined novel approaches to take advantage of those avenues. I’d recommend this workshop to every micro to medium business owner who’s frustrated with their marketing results and wants to have clear plan of action. 

    Arek Rainczuk Five Castles Portraits
  • Ros Weadman’s passion is infectious. She turns traditional marketing on its head and provides all the tools for success based on her unique marketing code. With Ros’s support, I was able… Read More

    Ros Weadman’s passion is infectious. She turns traditional marketing on its head and provides all the tools for success based on her unique marketing code. With Ros’s support, I was able to create an effective marketing plan that really works. 

    Caroline Ward Ki Creative
  • Ros’s marketing masterclass provided me with so much clarity around my USP and the best way to position myself in my industry. The small group interaction provided a fantastic environment… Read More

    Ros’s marketing masterclass provided me with so much clarity around my USP and the best way to position myself in my industry. The small group interaction provided a fantastic environment to bounce ideas and create strategies to take forward. I am now feeling so excited and motivated to take my new learnings forward in my business.

    Danielle Pooles Owner, Dressage Plus

About the trainer

A multiple industry award winner, Ros Weadman FCPRA has more than four decades’ experience in the professional communication industry as a marketer, public relations advisor, brand strategist, speech writer, editor, publisher, educator and author. 

Creator of the BRANDcode® Marketing Method for Lead Generation™, Ros helps small businesses to stand out from their competitors, leverage their unique value proposition through powerful messages, attract high quality leads and run a more profitable business.

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