CONNECT! Communications & Engagement Strategy Masterclass for Local Government
Develop a communications and engagement strategy for your project, service or program in 48 hours.
Make a bigger impact by galvanising stakeholder hearts and minds in pursuit of a better future.

Building understanding and trust with stakeholders
Councils make thousands of decisions and deliver hundreds of services, projects, policies and plans that impact peoples’ lives every day.
The successful execution of these operations relies on on building understanding and trust with residents, businesses, community organisations, governments and other stakeholders.
Embracing an integrated strategic communication and engagement approach to stakeholder relations helps councils to deliver the right messages to the right stakeholders through the right mediums, and engage them at the right level, using the right techniques at right time.

Is your council delivering on its community engagement brand promise?
While community engagement policies have been mandated since 2020, oftentimes there is a skills gap between a council’s policy commitments and its internal capability to deliver on these.
Where this gap exists, the quality and consistency of community engagement processes and practices varies widely across the organisation.
This not only results in inconsistent engagement experiences for stakeholders, it also impacts council-stakeholder relationships, compromises input into council decision-making processes and damages reputation.
“Ros provides an excellent class with materials useful for real life projects and a comfortable environment for creating and sharing knowledge.”
Rebecca Burns, Campaspe Shire Council

The journey to improving connection with stakeholders
When it comes to stakeholder relationships, a council will usually sit somewhere on a spectrum, from being in a state of disconnection, characterised by stakeholder misunderstanding and mistrust, and obscure and misaligned community engagement practices, through to having a strong connection with stakeholders characterised by a high level of mutual understanding and trust derived from a clear and aligned communications and engagement approach across the organisation. The Stakeholder Connection Spectrum™ shows the indicative journey.
Where does your council sit on the stakeholder connection spectrum?
1. Disconnection
Characterised by an ad hoc, one-way approach to communications and engagement resulting in stakeholder mistrust, and a lack of understanding of, and support for, council decisions.
2. Recognition
Characterised by council acknowledging that strategic outcomes are best achieved through two-way stakeholder communications and engagement at the right level.
3. Education
Characterised by adding value to council decisions and engagement processes through building the knowledge and skills of some employees in both strategic communications and engagement so they can create appropriate opportunities for stakeholder input.
4. Integration
Characterised by gradually strengthening stakeholder relationships by integrating a two-way, proactive strategic communications and engagement approach across the entire organisation.
5. Connection
Characterised by achieving mutually beneficial outcomes based on a high level of trust and transparency with stakeholders built over time, with communications and engagement activities fully aligned with the Council Plan and Community Vision.

This masterclass is ideal for staff who work in:
- Strategic communications, public relations and marketing
- Community engagement
- Community development
- Advocacy
- Events
- Project management
- Other council roles requiring consultation and engagement
Workshop content
The two-day training provides a structured approach for participants to develop an integrated communication and engagement strategy for their specific project in real time. The training covers nine key areas based upon my Core Communication Method for Stakeholder Engagement™ method, illustrated below.
Outline of the objective and scope of the engagement process, and strategic communication and engagement goals to be achieved.
Outline of the policy, legislative and strategic context to ensure alignment with the Community Vision, Council Plan and relevant strategies, plans and policies.
Outline of project drivers, SWOT analysis, and risk / issues profile with mitigation measures.
Identification and analysis of internal and external stakeholders to understand the different levels of interest, impact and influence in relation to the project, and their communication and engagement needs.
Outline of the engagement approach and recommended engagement techniques and activities, to capture the views and ideas of both key stakeholders and the wider community.
This step is about positioning the decision/project in the minds of stakeholders through an aspirational vision, foundation narrative, supporting key messages and responses to concerns and objections.
Outline of recommended communication tools and tactics to raise broad community awareness, understanding and support for the project, using council owned, bought and earned mediums, and third-party mediums as appropriate.
Implementation plan, detailing a calendar of communications and engagement activities, recommended resources, timing and responsibilities.
Outline of key performance indicators to evaluate the goals and objectives of the strategy.
What some participants have said

About the trainer
Ros Weadman FCPRA is a leading authority on public sector communications, engagement and reputation. Ros has more than four decades’ experience building brands and enhancing reputations, including 16 years as a communications manager in Victorian local government. Ros’s work in local government has been recognised with national and state awards from the Public Relations Institute of Australia for community communication and issues management.
Ros draws on her specialist knowledge and expertise to design and deliver local government-focused consulting services, training and mentoring programs, presenting relatable stories that bring to life real solutions.
While working for councils, Ros led crisis communications teams responding to some of Australia’s highest profile incidents, including the Cranbourne Methane Gas crisis (2008), Black Saturday fires (2009), Springvale Salmonella outbreak (1997) and Victorian Gas crisis (1998).
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