INNER BRILLIANCE EXPERIENCE – personal branding workshop for small business owners

Learn how to build a personal brand that amplifies your you-niqueness, expands your influence and elevates your worth.

  • Date: 16/11/2024
  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Location: Hills Hub Community Centre, Emerald VIC 3782
  • Price: $97.00 (inc GST)
  • Type: In Person

Position yourself as an authority in your field

As the face of their brand, small business owners need to develop their personal brand so they position themselves as an authority in their field.

The INNER BRILLIANCE EXPERIENCE is ideal for business owners who:

  • want to be more visible in the marketplace
  • want to be more influential in their industry
  • want to be more highly valued for their expertise
  • want clarity on their mission and message
  • want to build their confidence in putting themselves out there?

What is personal branding?

Building a personal brand is one of the most effective ways to stand out and communicate your value to others.

Personal branding is about defining, expressing and strategically leveraging an authentic self-identity and professional value proposition that shapes the way you want to be perceived; your reputation. It’s also about thinking, speaking and acting in alignment with your highest values, consistently.

But you need a game plan to get started!

Going from invisible to influential

When it comes to building a strong personal brand and being considered in the top echelon of your industry, people usually sit on a spectrum from being invisible to being an industry VIP (very influential person). The table shows the indicative journey, moving from being invisible to becoming an Industry VIP (Very Influential Person).

Where do you sit on the Inner Brilliance personal brand influence spectrum?

  • 1. Invisible

    You are considered to be a ‘quiet achiever’. Your strengths and expertise are recognised by those you work closest with but you fly under the radar outside of the workplace and within your industry. This positioning may have suited you up until now, but as time goes on you notice that staying out of the limelight isn’t doing you any favours as opportunities are passing you by. You start to question who you are and what you are capable of. You focus on your identity.

  • 2. Emergent

    You are starting to be recognised as ‘someone to watch’ in your industry/workplace and to attract new business or roles based on your growing knowledge and experience. You’re also recognised for your commitment to achieving results for your organisation or clients. You may be becoming more ambitious in your career or business or realise that cultivating a personal brand is going to set you apart from the competition. You start to question what you want to achieve and how you might achieve it. You focus on your value.

  • 3. Rising Star

    You are gaining a reputation as a ‘top performer’ in your industry/workplace and attracting higher paying clients or leadership roles based on the results you are achieving and the relationships you are building. You may be thinking of taking on volunteer roles on boards, committees or project groups to broaden your professional network, build your leadership skills and become more well-known within your industry. You start to know that you are made for more, that your character and competencies will take you places. You focus on opportunities.

  • 4. Authority

    You are a recognised ‘subject matter expert’ within your industry, highly paid, with a loyal and growing client base. You are respected among peers and sought after for advice. You are now specialised in your field, which differentiates you from others, and valued by the type of organisations or market segment that you have chosen to serve. You question what is needed to lead your field in the years ahead. You focus on positioning.

  • 5. Industry VIP (Very Influential Person)

    You are recognised as a ‘master’ in your field and a leader in your industry. You have a full book of clients who pay a premium price and top clients seek you out. Your opinion holds sway within your industry. You are a thought leader whose original insights contribute to the advancement of thinking within your industry. You keep questioning everything because you know that even being masterful at something doesn’t mean you know everything. You focus on leaving a legacy.

7 signs a personal brand will benefit you

These telltale signs can indicate you need to build a strong personal brand or risk blending in

A common mindset of talented professionals is undervaluing themselves and the service they deliver. Often fuelled by self-doubt (Imposter Syndrome), undervaluing yourself not only leads people to question whether they are ‘good enough’, it can also keep them stuck in a cycle of inaction. Personal branding will improve your self-image and give you more confidence to put yourself out there.


  1. Purpose: Ignite your personal brand – Tap into the DNA that makes you tick; the energy that fires your ambitions; the purpose that drives you to live a meaningful life and make your mark on the world.
  2. Positioning: Differentiate your personal brand – Embrace what makes you different, get clear on what you stand for as a personal brand and define your specialist problem-solving expertise that delivers measurable value to those whom you serve.
  3. Profile: Promote your personal brand – Build your visibility in the marketplace, extend your professional network and increase your newsworthiness so you become a credible and trusted authority in your industry.
  4. Profitability: Monetise your personal brand – Commercialise your personal brand by leveraging your thought leadership and intellectual property so you can advance your career to greater heights and grow your business with steady momentum.

What some of Ros’s training participants have said

  • Ros’s marketing masterclass provided me with so much clarity around my USP and the best way to position myself in my industry. The small group interaction provided a fantastic environment… Read More

    Ros’s marketing masterclass provided me with so much clarity around my USP and the best way to position myself in my industry. The small group interaction provided a fantastic environment to bounce ideas and create strategies to take forward. I am now feeling so excited and motivated to take my new learnings forward in my business.

    Danielle Pooles Owner, Dressage Plus
  • Ros Weadman’s passion is infectious. She turns traditional marketing on its head and provides all the tools for success based on her unique marketing code. With Ros’s support, I was able… Read More

    Ros Weadman’s passion is infectious. She turns traditional marketing on its head and provides all the tools for success based on her unique marketing code. With Ros’s support, I was able to create an effective marketing plan that really works. 

    Caroline Ward Ki Creative
  • Ros’s signature approach made us all think laterally and deeply, identifying missed marketing opportunities, and clearly defined novel approaches to take advantage of those avenues. I’d recommend this workshop to every… Read More

    Ros’s signature approach made us all think laterally and deeply, identifying missed marketing opportunities, and clearly defined novel approaches to take advantage of those avenues. I’d recommend this workshop to every micro to medium business owner who’s frustrated with their marketing results and wants to have clear plan of action. 

    Arek Rainczuk Five Castles Portraits
  • Working with Ros was like a breath of fresh air into my business. Although I was not 100% sure at the beginning of where it would lead or what was… Read More

    Working with Ros was like a breath of fresh air into my business. Although I was not 100% sure at the beginning of where it would lead or what was expected. The outcome was business changing. I reconnected deeply with my WHY, I am now able to see my business from a new perspective with a vision of where I want it to go. It also provided a platform for enhancing my website, my promotional material and best of all an alignment throughout.

    Deb Pace Director Pacing Dynamics