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Pave the way for success in 2024-25 by setting new tidemarks

Like a tidemark on the shore indicates where the sea has reached, businesses and people also have indicators that tell a story about where they have reached.

With the 2023-24 financial year now in the rear-view mirror, it’s a good time to reflect on the ‘tidemarks’ of your business and life over the last 12 months and set new ones for the year ahead.

While setting new tidemarks for revenue, profit margin, sales, pricing and other business metrics is important, so too is setting new tidemarks for your personal wellbeing and professional growth.

REFLECT BACK on 2023-24

Use these prompters to review past tidemarks with openness and gratitude.

1.      Who were the people, and what projects and places inspired and energised you?

2.      When did you feel at your lowest and why?

3.      What was the best thing that happened to you, that you caused?

4.      What was the best investment you made in yourself?

5.      What are you most proud of?

6.      What did you learn from the key challenges?

7.      What are you most grateful for?

8.      What experiences do you want more of / less of?

9.      What patterns did you notice that did not serve you well?

10.   What strengths do you need to further develop?


Use these 10 prompters to set new tidemarks with clarity and intention.

1.      Mindset – how will you maintain a positive and healthy mindset?

2.      Brand – how will you define and leverage your personal brand?

3.      Impact – what big picture difference will you contribute towards?

4.      Relationships – who will you connect with to move forward?

5.      Habits (1) – what unresourceful habits could you shed?

6.      Pricing – does your pricing need to change to reflect your true value?

7.      Sales – what will be your new sales targets for the year?

8.      Goals – what’s the one big thing you could do that would most move the needle?

9.      Habits (2) – what new valuable habits could you embrace?

10.   Being – how do you want to be, and feel, different on 30 June 2025?

Take the time to set new tidemarks for your business performance, personal wellbeing and professional growth and pave the way for a great year ahead.

*Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

©Ros Weadman 2024