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Understand Core Needs and Make Your Marketing Messages More Appealing

Communicating how someone will FEEL as a result of using our service/product is more important than communicating what they will KNOW about the service/product features.

World-renowned coach Tony Robbins’ six core needs model helps us understand the emotional triggers that drive people to seek out particular services/products.

For instance :

  • A need for CERTAINTY – could translate to ‘I want to feel safe / comfortable / in control’.
  • A need for UNCERTAINTY/VARIETY – could translate to ‘I want to feel exhilarated / excited / free’.
  • A need for LOVE/CONNECTION – could translate to ‘I want to feel supported / validated / engaged / intimate / like I belong’.
  • A need for SIGNIFICANCEcould translate to ‘I want to feel important / valued / special / worthy / wanted’.
  • A need for GROWTH – could translate to ‘I want to feel wise / intellectually challenged / empowered’.
  • A need for CONTRIBUTION – could translate to ‘I want to feel a sense of purpose or meaning / like I make a difference’.

Understanding the core need your target audience is seeking to satisfy allows you to make your marketing messages more appealing by using specific language and imagery that match their desire.

For instance:

  • an adventure tourism company could satisfy a person’s need for variety/uncertainty by appealing to their desire to feel excitement and exhilaration.
  • A local charity seeking volunteers could satisfy a person’s need for contribution by appealing to their desire to feel a sense of meaning or purpose.
  • An educational institution could satisfy a person’s need for growth by appealing to their desire to feel more empowered to achieve their career ambitions.
  • A prestige car dealer could satisfy a person’s need for significance by appealing to their desire to feel important or worthy.

Crafting marketing messages that satisfy core needs and help people feel something, not only cause a deeper emotional connection with target audiences, they make your brand more human and relatable.

©Ros Weadman 2024. To receive Ros’s blogs straight to your inbox, subscribe here.